✰ yogani
◦ spinal breathing pranayama - journey to inner space by yogani
◦ samyama - cultivating stillness in action, siddhis, and miracles by yogani
◦ deep meditation - pathway to personal freedom by yogani
◦ advanced yoga practices - easy lessons for ecstatic living by yogani
✰ sri ramana maharshi
◦ who am i? by sri ramana maharshi
◦ the teachings of sri ramana maharshi in his own words
◦ talks with sri ramana maharshi
◦ self-enquiry by sri ramana maharshi
◦ be as you are by sri ramana maharshi
✰ rupert spira
◦ the transparency of things by rupert spira
◦ the nature of consciousness: essays on the unity of mind and matter by rupert spira
◦ presence: the art of peace and happiness - volume 1 by rupert spira
◦ presence: the intimacy of all experience - volume 2 by rupert spira
◦ being aware of being aware by rupert spira
✰ mahasi sayadaw
◦ practical insight meditation by mahasi sayadaw
◦ manual of insight by mahasi sayadaw
✰ eckhart tolle
◦ the power of now by eckhart tolle
◦ a new earth by eckhart tolle
✰ drunvalo melchizedek
◦ the ancient secret of the flower of life (volume 1) by drunvalo melchizedek
◦ the ancient secret of the flower of life (volume 2) by drunvalo melchizedek
◦ merkabah star tetrahedron meditation
◦ living in the heart by drunvalo melchizedek
◦ the tibetan book of the dead
◦ the subtle body: an encyclopedia of your energetic anatomy by cyndi dale
◦ the gene keys: unlocking the higher purpose hidden in your dna by richard rudd
◦ the five-minute miracle by tara springett
◦ the fire kasina by shannon stein and daniel ingram
◦ the end of your world: an uncensored straight talk on the nature of enlightenment by adyashanti
◦ right concentration: a practical guide to the jhanas by leigh brasington
◦ the path of freedom (vimuttimagga)
◦ mastering the core teachings of the buddha - an unusually hardcore dharma book by daniel ingram
◦ light emerging: the journey of personal healing by barbara ann brennan
◦ i am that by nisargadatta maharaj
◦ hands of light by barbara brennan
◦ frequency: the power of personal vibration by penney pierce
◦ dream yoga by andrew holceck
◦ core light healing - my personal journey and advanced healing concepts by barbara ann brennan